Hourly Consulting

Hourly Consulting

Sometimes you may want a ONE-ON-ONE answer to your specific Medicare questions and concerns, or you may just have a special project that requires our knowledge and expertise.

By phone, video conference or in-person, one of our Medicare experts can work with you directly on your unique questions or concerns, like:

Review your superbill to determine if it is “user friendly” (i.e., reflects services that YOU do and/or can do and needs to be conveyed to the biller.

Discuss and respond to your documentation issues.

How to utilize your ancillary personnel to maximum your practice revenue (i.e., services that can be performed by your nurse, medical assistance, etc.).

Handling of Medicare and other insurance denials and/or refund requests.

Determine if your registration, consent and other forms are providing you with the information needed to be in both State and Federal compliance.

Answering questions that pertain to YOUR practice, such as hiring another physician or non-physician practitioner.

Avoiding a potential fraud and abuse situation when performing and/or billing diagnostic testing in your office.

Finding out what HIPAA compliance really is and how to handle patient HIPAA complaints.

Hourly Consulting Now!


Learn More about Diagnostic Services

Hourly Consulting

Chart, EHR Template & Billing Audits

Denial Management and Audit Prevention Planning